Just a quick note. Julie's coming home today. We're on our way to Denver to fetch her. I'm soooo excited. She's coming home for good and we couldn't be happier.
This will be the first Thanksgiving and Christmas in 6 years that we get to spend together. There couldn't be a better Christmas present under the sun!
Tony and Mauss were supposed to come along, but after much agonizing and soul searching it was decided that Mauss should be adopted out. It was just too much to try and get her on a plane. Poor kitty... I know that it is better this way. So, Tony is going to find her a new home and then he'll be on his way too! We should all be together for Christmas! I can't wait. Corky is so excited!
Well, I had better get myself in gear. We're stopping to see some friends outside of Denver then it is off to DIA... We've about a 4 hour drive ahead of us and then have to turn right around and come home. A long day, but more than worth it!